
Thought leadership on how to grow a business.

In partnership with capacity builders globally NXT-9 uses AI to grow businesses fast  

Edge Growth, a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) capacity building and impact investment company based in South Africa, has developed an artificial intelligence (AI) enabled online business growth platform called NXT-9. NXT-9’s goal is to solve the problem of how to scale impact fast. The proprietary tool has been built to support capacity builders who […]

Growing your business: eight key business disciplines

Company CEOs that scale-up fast generally do eight things much better than successful start-ups who get stuck in No Man’s Land. We call these disciplines, and they are observable and learnable. They constitute “The Science of Scaling-Up”. 80% of entrepreneurs who get stuck in No Man’s Land do so for more or less the same

Driving growth at Inoxico: An interview with Dom Pitot

Dom Pitot explains how NXT-9 helped improve Inoxico’s sales performance. Growing a business is always a challenge, growing a business without quality solutions, even more so. Fortunately, NXT-9 offers a world-class product that assesses businesses’ scalability. The NXT-9 X-Ray is a user-friendly tool that quickly and accurately diagnoses the most important growth constraints across a

NXT-9 X-Ray A formidable business diagnostic tool

The NXT-9 X-Ray examines a business to understand its strengths and weaknesses and is a rapid pathfinder for SME owners to pinpoint challenging areas, after which they receive actionable, prioritised recommendations. The X-Ray is powerful X-Ray allows for accurate, granular insight into SMEs that is actionable. We use the term “granular”, because it means to

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