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A definitive roadmap for your business journey: An interview with Martin Sutherland

By Lucinda Scholtz | March 20, 2023

“It’s meant that we’ve been able to build momentum, like a wave, to drive the business forward as whole.”
Martin Sutherland, Global Director at PeopleTree Group

Martin Sutherland explains how NXT-9 helped PeopleTree to create momentum moving forward and getting rid of their inertia.

Ensuring that a business remains relevant in whatever sector it operates in has to be one of the most important business strategies. The business world has changed irrevocably post-Covid and sustainable businesses have to learn how to navigate more than ever before.

We spoke to Martin Sutherland, Global Director at PeopleTree Group to see how partnering with NXT-9 positively impacted the business.

Who is the PeopleTree Group?

PeopleTree Group is a technology and consulting firm that builds talent management solutions that focus on data-rich people analytics. Our goal is to empower HR and executives with the same robust business intelligence that is used to make financial, operating, and marketing decisions. Basically, our mission is to connect who counts with what counts within a business, allowing our clients to achieve their company goals.

How did the NXT-9 solution work for PeopleTree?

We found that the NXT-9 X-Ray tool enabled us to discover the main goals that our business needed to pivot around. By clarifying that, it allowed us to create momentum to move forward in the business. It allowed us to build cadence and then build processes for a rhythmic flow to enable this.

An important point for us was that it gave us the impetus to move from a people- oriented business to a process-oriented business. And while some of the partnerships we have with clients are people focussed or come from vested relationships, our delivery to clients is not.

How did the NXT-9 X-Ray impact the business particularly?

After completing the survey, we realised that we are, at our core, a solution driven business. It gave us a starting point; it allowed us to focus and then refine our strategy. This focus meant that we were able to assign the right resources at the right time, with the right effort. We immediately saw a difference in the business, and it drove us forward. It created a positive momentum for employees and ensured that everyone was definite regards the process.

The X-Ray highlighted areas of the business that we needed to clarify. It allowed for us to really take an in-depth look at our business strategy and then gave us a comprehensive roadmap. It gave us a structured business map to see our final destination, the way there and also meant everyone in the business was on board for our ‘road trip’.

How do you apply the NXT-9 X-Ray daily?

I always have the survey open – it reminds me of all eight business disciplines, and it makes me aware of what I am aiming for.

It’s given us the clarity as to what to prioritise and where. It reminds me that I need to be working ON the business as opposed to always working IN the business and that where you put your time, is where you will see the difference.

How does the NXT-9 Academy help you achieve your goals?

What I’ve also found useful is the Academy. As an add on to the X-Ray tool, it’s a place of interesting and relevant content. Having access to articles and videos has proved worthwhile and I’ve made my way through at least half of the articles. Whether it’s around strategy, marketing or a path-to-scale, I’ve found the content informative and thoughtful. It’s yet another device I have access to through NXT-9 in order to upskill myself and impact the business in a positive way.

According to Martin, the most important thing their business discovered was that once you have your goal and have used NXT-9’s solution, and if you commit to the process, the goal and dreams that you have for your business become an achievable reality. It lays out all the fundamentals for you to scale-up, and build the sustainable business you’ve always visualised.